Investing in the global denim jeans market
admin - February 1, 2022Globally, the demand for denim jeans has been growing notably in the 21st century, and the global denim jeans market is predicted to exceed 76 billion USD by the year 2026. For the year 2020, the estimated size of the global denim jeans market was 57.3 billion USD. The projected market-growth in dollars is partly propelled by growth in the premium denim jeans segment, where each individual piece of clothing fetches a high price.
Denim jeans garbs are worn by pretty much all age-groups and social strata. One of the trends fuelling demand for denim jeans is the wish for a casual appearance, which enticed consumers to wear jeans even to more formal situations, such as dinner parties and white collar jobs. The “westernization” of emerging economies is another factor, since it promotes the use of denim jeans over more traditional garb. This trend is especially noticeable in urban areas of emerging-economy countries, and pertains to both men, women and children.
The online denim jeans market is expected to grow at a 9.2% CAGR in 2020-2026. It is expected to exceed 60 billion USD by the end of 2026. As of 2022, the online segment accounts for less than 18% of the global denim jeans market, but this is expected to change as more and more consumers buy their denim jeans products online.
Investing in denim jeans stocks
Here are just a few examples of exchange-traded corporations active in the denim jeans market.
Aarvee Denims & Exports Limited
Aarvee Denims & Exports Limited is an Indian corporation listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Located in Mumbai, this is the largest stock exchange in India, and some of the online trading platforms will give you access to stocks listed there.
Arvind Limited
Trading: NSE, BSE: 5000101
This is India´s largest denim manufacturer. Previously known as Arvind Mills, the textile manufacturer Arvind Limited is the flagship company of the Lalbhai Group. In addition to denim, the company also produces large quantities of cotton shirt, knits and bottomweight (“khaki”) fabrics. In 2011, it launched an Advanced Materials Division to get into the technical textile market.
Black Peony (Group) Co., Ltd
Trading: SSE: 600510.SS
This Chinese company, which is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), have four main business divisions: the Real Estate segment, the Construction segment, the Textile segment, and the Others segment. The Textile segment includes spinning, weaving and finish processing.
Major consumer markets
Some of the most important denim jeans markets are the United States, China, Japan, Canada, and the European Union.
- In the year 2021, the U.S. denim jeans market was worth slightly above 15 billion USD, i.e. approximately a quarter of the global market. It was the largest market for denim jeans, and had the largest per capita consumption of jeans.
- China is forecast to have a denim jeans market worth 15.5 billion USD by 2026.
Emerging jeans markets
Examples of markets where wearing jeans has become increasingly common in recent years, and where we expect to see this trend continue and even grow:
- China
- India
- Brazil
- Mexico
- The United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Saudi Arabia
Examples of important corporations in the denim jeans industry
- Aarvee Denims & Exports Limited
- Arvind Limited
- Black Peony (Group) Co., Ltd.
- Diesel S.p.A
- Edwin Co. Ltd.
- Gap Inc.
- Inditex
- Levi Strauss & Co.
- Mavi Jeans
- Nien Hsing Textile Co. Ltd.
- Orta Anadolu
- Raymond Group
This article was last updated on: February 2, 2022